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IMT seminar 2022 "Aktuelle Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Mikrosystemtechnik"

Recent research projects in microsystems technology

Prof. Dr. Jan G. Korvink, Prof. Dr. Manfred Kohl


Location: KIT Campus North, Institute of Microstructure Technology, Building 301, Room 405

Time: Tuesdays 3 p.m.

External persons who would like to participate in the seminar are asked to contact the secretariat to get a link to participate via a zoom meeting.



Modeling of the high frequency interaction of piezoelectric actuators with composite materials
Maria Shevtsova


Efficient Upscaling of Perovskite Photovoltaics: Investigation of Slot-Die Coated Perovskite Solar Cells Dried via Gas-Quenching
Kristina Geistert (IMT)


Drug delivery devices for vector control
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dhers and Prof. Dr Martin David (Institute of Technology of Buenos Aires)


Nano and microstructured metasurfaces for next generation electronic and photonic devices
KM Samaun Reza(IMT)


Roll to Roll Hot Embossing of Biomimetic Surfaces
Patrick Weiser (IMT)


Thermal driven pumps: design and applications
Guillermo López Quesada (IMT)


Nano and microstructured metasurfaces for next generation electronic and photonic devices
KM Samaun Reza (IMT)


Automated riveting process for SMA flatform actuators
Mirna Katgely


The RASER, a quantum sensor for exploring order and chaos
Prof. Dr. Stephan Appelt (Forschungszentrum Jülich (ZEA-2) and RWTH Aachen (ITMC), Germany)


Recent Developments of Microstructured AFM Cantilevers with Heated Tips
Hans Gunstheimer


Hybrid waveguide structures on silicon nitride and silicon for electro-optic applications
Alexander Kotz(IPQ)

Sonderseminar 5.7.22 at 16:00  

Hydrogenative and Non-Hydrogenative Parahydrogen Induced Polarization for Precision Measurement and Molecular Imaging Applications
Prof. Thomas Theis from the North Carolina State University


Introduction to Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) & Chemotion: what are they and how to use them
Dr. Nicole Jung(IMT)