IMT seminar 2017 "Aktuelle Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Mikrosystemtechnik"
Recent research projects in microsystems technology
Prof. Dr. Jan G. Korvink, Prof. Dr. Andreas E. Guber
Location: KIT Campus North, Institute of Microstructure Technology, Building 301, Room 405
Time: Tuesdays 3 p.m.
External attendees of the seminar are asked to register at the main gate of KIT Campus North. Please have your valid identity card or passport with you. Keep yourself informed about potential changes of the seminar program by calling the .
19.12.2017 |
Special seminar at 13.30 h preceding IMT Christmas party Do conducting polymer electrodes outperform metals as materials for stimulating biology? |
12.12.2017 |
kein Seminar |
5.12.2017 |
Carbon electronics on flexible substrates |
28.11.2017 |
MIGRATE – an International Training Network Overview on the ITN MIGRATE Administrative and organizational support of FORscience to the MIGRATE project Design of a SAW Pirani sensor with extended range and sensitivity Temperature Micro Sensors Advanced CFD Methodology to investigate high-temperature complex wire net micro heat exchanger performance Round-up |
21.11.2017 |
Directing Assembly on Molecular Scales: controlling light-matter interactions and chemical activity on the macro scale |
14.11.2017 |
Optical detection of gradient induced vibrations during MRI |
7.11.2017 |
Pull-in actuation in hybrid micro-machined contactless suspension Novel concept of a series linear electromagnetic array artificial muscle |
10.10.2017 |
Topology optimization-based inverse design methodology for microfluidics and nano-photonics |
26.9.2017 |
Technological Evaluation of Printed, Large Surface Thermoelectric Generators for Waste Heat Recuperation: Design, simulation and optimization |
15.9.2017 |
Extra seminar on Friday, 15.9.2017 at 11.00 h Bioinspired, anisotropic surface designs for wet adhesion |
12.9.2017 |
Microfabricated Chemical Sensors |
5.9.2017 |
Entwicklung eines grafik- und brailleoptimierten Prägedruckers zur Erstellung taktiler Materialien für sehgeschädigte Menschen |
29.8.2017 |
kein Seminar |
22.8.2017 |
kein Seminar |
15.8.2017 |
Manufacturing Stochastic Peptide Microarrays: Workflow and Challenges |
5.7.2017 |
Extra seminar on Wednesday, 5.7.2017 at 9.00 h Dielectric waveguides with advanced nanostructures for refractive-index sensing applications |
20.6.2017 |
Microfabricated detectors for MACS NMR Organic upconversion in polymers |
13.6.2017 |
kein Seminar |
6.6.2017 |
Rigorous methods applied to the analysis of natural photonics structures |
30.5.2017 |
Porous silicon as energetic material |
23.5.2017 |
Rapid Prototyping in Metall: schnelle und kostengünstige Herstellung von mikrostrukturierten Formwerkzeugen Energy transfer and upconversion in Metal-organic frameworks Entwicklung eines Barcodesystems zum Tracking von Fischen |
16.5.2017 |
Photosensitizer immobilization onto PVDF membrane to reduce organic fouling Cloaking of interconnection lines of CIGS solar cells |
9.5.2017 |
Mikrofluidik - Partikelseparation mit elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern |
2.5.2017 |
X-ray gratings with sub-µm dimension for high resolution phase-contrast and dark-field imaging Development and characterization of two-dimensional gratings for single-shot X-ray imaging |
26.4.2017 |
Extra seminar on Wednesday, 26.4.2017 at 15.15 h Location: KIT, Campus North, Institute for Mikrostructure Technology, Bldg. 307, 2. OG, Meeting Room 322 Design of an experimental set-up for the fabrication of carbon nanotubes |
25.4.2017 |
kein Seminar (STN-Tag) |
18.4.2017 |
Development and fabrication of a microfluidic system for purification of bacteria suspensions Modification of the material properties of sintered glass Erstellung von Protokollen zur lithografischen Oberflächenmodifikation |
11.4.2017 |
Nanofur Functionalisation for Increased Air Retention Stability under Hydrostatic Pressure Fluctuations An introduction to Nitrogen Vacancy diamond defects (NV centres) in the field of NMR |
4.4.2017 |
LIGA gratings for X-ray Differential phase contrast imaging: From lab to clinical use Tailor-made carbon tips for atomic force microscopy |
28.3.2017 |
Development of an X-ray zoom lens CIS infiltrated photonic crystals |
21.3.2017 |
Additive manufacturing of transparent glass MOFs vs. SURMOFs |
14.3.2017 |
Application-specific Optical Tweezers |
28.2.2017 |
kein Seminar |
14.2.2017 |
Modelling and Simulation of Wetting Phenomena in Solid Structures Simulation of a Talbot-Lau Interferometer for X-Ray phase-contrast imaging |
7.2.2017 |
Mikrosystemproduktentwicklung für junge Unternehmer |
3.2.2017 |
Sondertermin am Freitag, dem 3.2.2017 um 11.30 Uhr Entwicklung eines Ventils für hochkorrosive Anwendungen |
24.1.2017 |
A stationary dual-mode pushbroom hyperspectral imaging system |
17.1.2017 |
On the Edge Versatile and low-cost coil fabrication |