

  1. M. Kohl, Shape memory microactuators, Springer book series on Microtechnology and MEMS, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
  2. M. Kohl (Editor), Shape Memory Materials for Smart Systems, Int. Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Special Issue on E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Volumes 23(1) and (2), 2006.
  3. M. Kohl, V.A. Chernenko, S. Besseghini (Editors), Shape Memory Materials for Smart Systems, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Special Issue on E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Volume 158, EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 2008.
  4. M. Kohl, Shape memory microvalves, in: Thin Film Shape memory Alloys, S. Miyazaki, Y.Q. Fu and W.M. Huang Eds., Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  5. M. Kohl, V.A. Chernenko (Editors), Shape Memory Materials for Smart Systems III, Physics Procedia, Special Issue on E-MRS Spring Meeting 2010, Volume 10, Elsevier Ltd, 2010.
  6. D. Salazar-Jaramillo, J.M. Barandiaran, M. Kohl, et al., Lightweight multifunctional materials based on magnetic shape memory alloys, In: Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials. Chapter 6, pp. 187-238; Eds. P. Costa, C.M. Costa, S. Lanceros-Mendez. ELSEVIER. 2020.
  7. M. Kohl, L. Seigner, J. Joseph, Energy Harvesting using Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 2020.
    Online Publication:
  8. Cooperative Microactuator Devices and Systems, M. Kohl, S. Seelecke and S. Wulfinghoff Eds., mdpi Basel (2024). ISBN 978-3-7258-0901-1.


K.D. Skrobanek, M. Kohl, E. Quandt, Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Bauteils, das eine Funktionsschicht enthält,
(Technology for fabrication of a device containing a functional layer)
DE 198 21 841, EP 0957509 A2

M. Kohl, T. Takagi, M. Ohtsuka, K. Yamauchi, Aktor für einen optisch-mechanischen Scanner sowie Verfahren unter Verwendung des Aktors,
(Actuator for an opto-mechanical scanner and technology for using the actuator)
DE 102 136 71; US 7,142,341

M. Kohl, Y. Liu, A. Durand, Verfahren zur Mikrostrukturierung von Pd-haltigen Funktionsschichten,
(Technology for micromachining of Pd-containing functional layers)
DE 10 321 590

M. Kohl, T. Grund, Verfahren zum stoffschlüssigen Verbinden von mikrostrukturierten Komponenten aus Kunststoff mittels Ultraschall,
(Technology for joint bonding of micromechanical components of polymer using ultrasound)
DE 10 2008 003 062A1

F. Khelfaoui, J. Buschbeck, S. Fähler, M. Kohl, O. Heczko, Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Schichtverbundes mit epitaktisch gewachsenen Schichten aus einem Formgedächtnis-Material und Schichtverbund mit epitaktisch gewachsenen Schichten aus einem magnetischen Formgedächtnis-Material sowie deren Verwendung,
(Process for fabrication of a layer composite with epitaxially grown layers of a shape memory material and layer composite with epitaxially grown layers of a magnetic shape memory material as well as its utilization)
DE 10 2008 001 005

M. Kohl, J. Barth, Bistabiler magnetischer Aktuator aus einer Formgedächtnislegierung,
(Bistable magnetic actuator of a shape memory alloy)
DE 10 2008 027 325

T. Grund, J. Barth, M. Kohl, Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum selektiven Übertragen einer mikrostrukturierten Komponente,
(Setup and procedure for selective transfer of a micromachined component)
DE 10 2009 017 306.4

M. Kohl, B. Krevet, Nichtresonanter thermomechanischer Energiewandler,
(Non-resonant thermo-mechanical energy transducer)
EP 13 401050.3.

Refereed Journals (last six years)


C. Ludwig, Jan Leutner, Oswald Prucker, Jürgen Rühe and Manfred Kohl, Miniature-scale elastocaloric cooling by rubber-based foils, J. Phys. Energy 6 (2024) 015009. DOI:10.1088/2515-7655/ad0cff

J. Xu, F. Bruederlin, L. Bumke, H. Ossmer, E. Quandt, S. Miyazaki, and M. Kohl, SMA Film-Based Elastocaloric Cooling Devices, Shap. Mem. Superelasticity 10, 119–133 (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s40830-024-00484-y

H. Shasavari, X. Chen, G.K. Tshikwand, F. Wendler, and M. Kohl, Finite element analysis of an antagonistic bistable shape memory alloy beam actuator, Adv. Eng. Mater., (2024) 2400969. DOI: 10.1002/adem.202400969

C. Ludwig and Manfred Kohl, Bistability-enhanced elastocaloric cooling device based on a natural rubber foil, J. Appl. Phys. 136, 165001 (2024), DOI:10.1063/5.0231213

C. Ludwig, J. Leutner, O. Prucker., J. Ruehe, M. Kohl, Natural Rubber Foil-Based Elastocaloric Cooling, Int. Conf. and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications Actuator’24, June 13-14th, Wiesbaden, Germany (2024), Print ISBN:978-3-8007-6391-7

G. Arivanandhan, M. Kiegerl, E. Akbarnejad, Z. Li, A. Ludwig, M. Kohl, In-Plane Bistable Microdevice in Silicon Technology, Int. Conf. and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications Actuator’24, June 13-14th, Wiesbaden, Germany (2024).

V. Gottwald, L. Seigner, M. Kohl, Development of a Re-Programmable Micro Origami Device, Int. Conf. and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications Actuator’24, June 13-14th, Wiesbaden, Germany (2024).





E.R. Mamleyev, C.H. Lee, J.G. Korvink, M. Kohl, K.V. Poletkin, Experimental Study and Simulation of Pull-In Behavior in Hybrid Levitation Microactuator for Square-Shaped Proof Masses, Actuators 12 (2023) 48; DOI:10.3390/act12020048

G. Arivanandhan, Z. Li, S.M. Curtis, L. Hanke, E.Quandt, and M. Kohl, Power Optimization of TiNiHf/Si Shape Memory Microactuators, Actuators 12 (2023) 82. DOI:10.3390/act12020082.

J. Joseph, E. Fontana, T. Devillers, N.M. Dempsey, and M. Kohl, A Gd-Film Thermomagnetic Generator in Resonant Self-Actuation Mode, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2301250. DOI:10.1002/adfm.202301250

J. Joseph, M. Ohtsuka, H. Miki, M. Kohl, Resonant Self-Actuation Based on Bistable Microswitching, Actuators 12 (2023) 245. DOI:10.3390/act12060245

X. Chen, L. Bumke, E. Quandt,  and M. Kohl, Bistable Actuation Based on Antagonistic Buckling SMA Beams, Actuators 12 (2023) 422. DOI:10.3390/act12110422

C. Ludwig, Jan Leutner, Oswald Prucker, Jürgen Rühe and Manfred Kohl, Miniature-scale elastocaloric cooling by rubber-based foils, J. Phys. Energy 6 (2024) 015009. DOI:10.1088/2515-7655/ad0cff

L. Seigner, V. Gottwald, L. Bumke, E. Quandt, M. Kohl, Enhanced Bi-Directional SMA Actuation of Origami-Inspired Microstructures, Proc. Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress ‘23, Dresden, Germany (2023), VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin (2023) 820-824.
ISBN: 978-3-8007-6203-3

Z. Li, G. Arivanandhan, S.M. Curtis, E. Quandt and M. Kohl, A Bistable Actuator Based on Antagonistic Buckling SMA Beams, Proc. Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress ‘23, Dresden, Germany (2023), VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin (2023) 93-97.
ISBN: 978-3-8007-6203-3.


S.M. Curtis, M. Sielenkämper, G. Arivanandhan, D. Dengiz, Z. Li, J. Jetter, L. Hanke, L. Bumke, E. Quandt, S. Wulfinghoff, and M. Kohl, TiNiHf/SiO2/Si shape memory film composites for bi-directional micro actuation, International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials 13,2 (2022) 293-314; DOI:10.1080/19475411.2022.2071352

E. R. Mamleyev, A. Voigt, A. Moazenzadeh, J. Korvink, M. Kohl and K. Poletkin, A Technological Approach for Miniaturization of 3D Inductive Levitation Micro-Suspensions,  IEEE Magnetics Letters (2022) DOI:10.1109/LMAG.2022.3174522

J. Joseph, M. Ohtsuka, H. Miki, M. Kohl, Thermal Processes of Miniature Thermomagnetic Generators in Resonant Self-Actuation Mode, iScience 25(7) (2022) 104569;
DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104569

K. Jacob, A.S. Tan, T. Sattel, M. Kohl, Enhancement of Shock Absorption Using Hybrid SMA-MRF Damper by Complementary Operation, Actuators 11,10 (2022) 280. DOI:10.3390/act11100280

G. Tshikwand, L. Seigner, F. Wendler and M. Kohl, Coupled Finite Element Simulation of Shape Memory Bending Microactuator, Shap. Mem. Superelasticity 8 (2022) 373-393; DOI:10.1007/s40830-022-00396-9

X. Chen, L. Bumke, E. Quandt, and M. Kohl, A Thermal Energy Harvester Based on Bistable SMA Microactuation, ACTUATOR 2022; International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications 2022, pp. 1-4.
Print ISBN:978-3-8007-5894-4    

K. Jacob, N. Case, S. Miyazaki and M. Kohl, Miniature Shock Absorber Based on SMA Foil Actuation, ACTUATOR 2022; International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications 2022, pp. 1-4. Print ISBN:978-3-8007-5894-4   


M. Lallart, L. Yan, H. Miki, G. Sebald, G. Diguet, M. Ohtsuka and M. Kohl, Heusler Alloy-Based Heat Engine using Pyroelectric Conversion for Small-Scale Thermal Energy Harvesting, Applied Energy 288 (2021) 116617. DOI:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116617

J.Joseph, M. Ohtsuka, H. Miki, M. Kohl, Lumped Element Model for Thermomagnetic Generators Based on Magnetic SMA Films, Materials 14 (2021) 1234. DOI:10.3390/ma14051234

S. Muehlbrandt, T. Harter, C. Füllner, S. Ummethala, S. Wolf, A. Bacher, L. Hahn, M. Kohl, W. Freude, and C. Koos, Field-effect silicon-plasmonic photodetector for coherent T-wave reception, Optics Express 29 (2021) 21586-21602.

L. Seigner, G.K. Tshikwand, F. Wendler, and M. Kohl, Bi-Directional Origami-Inspired SMA Folding Microactuator, Actuators 10 (2021) 181. DOI:10.3390/act10080181

G. Ulpiani, M. Saliari, F. Bruederlin, M. Kohl, G. Ranzi, M. Santamouris, On the cooling potential of elastocaloric devices for building ventilation, Solar Energy 230 (2021) 298–311. DOI:10.1016/j.solener.2021.10.025

K. Jacob, V. Sessner, S. Miyazaki and M. Kohl, "Active Vibration Damping and Control using SMA Foil-based Devices," ACTUATOR; International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications 2021, Online, 2021, pp. 1-4.  Print ISBN:978-3-8007-5454-0

Z. Li, G. Arivanandhan, S. Rastjoo, R. Fechner, M. Kohl, L. Bumke, E. Quandt, "Development of Co-Integrated Shape Memory Actuators for Silicon Micro- and Nanomechanics," ACTUATOR; International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications 2021, Online, 2021, pp. 1-2. Print ISBN:978-3-8007-5454-0

J. Joseph, M. Wehr, H. Miki, M. Ohtsuka and M. Kohl, Coupling effect in parallel thermomagnetic generators based on resonant self-actuation, Proc. of the 21st Int. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers’21, online virtual conference, 20-25 June 2021. DOI: 10.1109/Transducers50396.2021.9495569.


S. Rastjoo, R. Fechner, L. Bumke, M. Kötz, E. Quandt and M. Kohl, Development and co-integration of a SMA/Si bimorph nanoactuator for Si photonic circuits, Microelectronic Engineering 225 (2020) 111257. DOI:10.1016/j.mee.2020.111257

G. Ulpiani, F. Bruederlin, R. Weidemann, G. Ranzi, M. Santamouris, and M. Kohl, Upscaling of SMA film-based elastocaloric cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115867. DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115867

C.M. Craciunescu, M. Kohl and A. Ercuta, Micro-actuation design in VO2-based bimorph cantilevers, Smart Mater. Struct. 29 (2020) 115035 (10pp). 

S. Ahmadi, K. Jacob, F. Wendler, A. Padhy, and M. Kohl, Active Damping of Thin Film Shape Memory Alloy Devices, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (2020);20:1 e202000310. 

G. Arivanandhan, Z. Li, S. Curtis, P. Velvaluri, E. Quandt, and M. Kohl, Temperature Homogenization of Co-Integrated Shape Memory – Silicon Bimorph Actuators
Proceedings 2020, 64, 8; DOI:10.3390/IeCAT2020-08501

L. Seigner, O. Bezsmertna, S. Fähler, G. Tshikwand, F. Wendler and M. Kohl,  Origami-Inspired Shape Memory Folding Microactuator, Proceedings 2020, 64, 8; DOI:10.3390/IeCAT2020-08480

V. Vlnieska, A. Voigt, S, Wadhwa, J. Korvink, M. Kohl and K. Poletkin, Development of Control Circuit for Inductive Levitation Micro-Actuators, Proceedings 2020, 64, 39; DOI:10.3390/IeCAT2020-08479

H. Miki, E. Abe, S. Takeda, M. Ohtsuka, and M. Kohl, Metamagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Thin Plates Consolidated by Compression Shearing Method at Room Temperature for Thermal Energy Harvesting Device, Sensors and Materials 32,8 (2020) 2867–2875.

J. Joseph, M. Ohtsuka, H. Miki, M. Kohl, Upscaling of Thermomagnetic Generators Based on Heusler Alloy Films, Joule 4,12 (2020) 2718-2732. DOI:10.1016/j.joule.2020.10.019


M. Kohl, R. Fechner, M. Gueltig, C. Megnin and H. Ossmer, Miniaturization of shape memory actuators, IEEE Xplore Digital Library (2018), Print ISBN: 978-3-8007-4675-0.

K.Jacob, S. Ahmadi, F. Wendler and M. Kohl, Vibration damping of portable devices by superelastic SMA foils, IEEE Xplore Digital Library (2018), Print ISBN: 978-3-8007-4675-0.

L. Liedtke, M. Gueltig, and M. Kohl, Miniature-scale energy harvesting based on the inverse magnetic shape memory effect, Int. Journal of Appl. Electromagnetics and Mechanics 59 (2019) 377-383; DOI 10.3233/JAE-171038.

F. Bruederlin, L. Bumke, E. Quandt, M. Kohl, Cascaded SMA-film based elastocaloric cooling, IEEE Xplore 1467-1470 (2019); DOI:10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2019.8808605.

K. Jacob, S. Ahmadi, F. Wendler, S. Miyazaki, M. Gueltig, M. Kohl, Shape Memory Foil-Based Active Micro Damping for Portable Applications, IEEE Xplore 1467-1470 (2019); DOI:10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2019.8808494

S. Rastjoo, X. Wang, A. Ludwig, and M. Kohl, Top-down fabrication and transformation properties of vanadium dioxide nanostructures, J. Appl. Phys. 125, 225104 (2019); DOI:10.1063/1.5085322.

C. Megnin, B. Moradi, J. Zuern, H. Ossmer, M. Gueltig, M. Kohl, Shape memory alloy based controllable multi-port microvalve, Microsystem Technologies (2019) DOI:10.1007/s00542-019-04614-w.

G. Ulpiani, G. Ranzi, F. Bruederlin, R. Paolini, F. Fiorito, S. Haddad, M. Kohl, M. Santamouris, Elastocaloric cooling: roadmap towards successful implementation in the built environment, AIMS Materials Science, 6(6) (2019) 1135–1152. DOI:10.3934/matersci.2019.6.1135