Organisational structure

Organisational structure

The IMT is lead by four directors (Christian Koos, Jan G. Korvink, Uli Lemmer, Bryce Richards), all of whom are full professors at KIT. Jan Korvink acts as the Executive Director. The directors are supported by a core team of department heads (Jürgen Brandner, Andreas Guber, Dieter Maas, Mathias Heckele) to form the management team.

Research departments and groups

IMT's staff belong to one of the institute's eleven departments. At the operative level, the scientific work is lead by group leaders and/or department heads. Each group leader is associated with a specific IMT department (IMT organisation chart).

Organisation within KIT and the Helmholtz Association

The Institute of Microstructure Technology is part of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Division III ‒ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of the KIT research structure. The IMT participates in the programmes Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition (MTET)Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing (NACIP), and Materials Systems Engineering (MSE) of the Helmholtz Association. The IMT also organises and manages the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility for Information-driven Material Structuring and Characterisation (KNMFi).