Innovation and Upscaling
Whereas laboratory scale experiments are good for proof-of-principle, new scientific challenges arise when micro and nano structuring is driven towards industrialisaton.
The main activities are the design, the manufacture, the development of novel micro- and nanofabrication methods, the characterisation of nano- and microstructured components, and the assembly of complex microsystems. For this a large diversity of micro- and nanofabrication techniques like polymer patterning and replication by roll-to-roll process, lithography processes and 3D patterning are available.

Seamless replication of microstructures in a large diversity of materials combined with an enhanced mold fabrication technique.

A process to generate 3D structures by nanoimprint technique and an active layer of shape memory polymer.

Large scale structuring of materials beyond polymers, e.g. glass, metals, metallic glass and unconventional materials like “liquid wood”.
Bio-Inspired Materials (H. Hölscher)
Metals and Metallic Glass (M. Worgull)

Generating a multilayer film by spincoating and further forming into 3D shapes to control optical properties.

Enhanced Electroplating processes for microstructures on steel substrates, curved surfaces and large areas.
Mold Inserts (M. Guttmann)
Mold Fabrication for Roll-to-Roll (M. Worgull)

2Photon lithography as innovative structuring method for 3D prototyping combined with nanoimprint features.
Lithography Processes (K. Bade | S. Hengsbach)
Lithography for Roll-to-Roll Molds (M. Worgull)