IMT seminar 2016 "Aktuelle Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Mikrosystemtechnik"
Recent research projects in microsystems technology
Prof. Dr. Jan G. Korvink, Prof. Dr. Andreas E. Guber
Location: KIT Campus North, Institute of Microstructure Technology, Building 301, Room 405
Time: Tuesdays 3 p.m.
External attendees of the seminar are asked to register at the main gate of KIT Campus North. Please have your valid identity card or passport with you. Keep yourself informed about potential changes of the seminar program by calling the secretariat.
20.12.2016 |
From Laser Physics to the Para Hydrogen fueled Raser: A revolution in NMR spectroscopy |
13.12.2016 |
Deformed photoresist and what it does to X-rays Roll-to-Roll - R2R – Mold Fabrication and Process Development |
6.12.2016 |
Multilinear Decomposition and its Application in Low Field nD NMR |
2.12.2016 |
Sonderseminar am Freitag, 2.12.2016 um 11.15 Uhr X-ray lithography activities at Indus-2 Indian synchrotron radiation source |
22.11.2016 |
How functionalized electronic materials can bridge the gap from technology to biology in a neural interface |
15.11.2016 |
Development of a matrix material for ‘solid’ solvent synthesis of high density peptide arrays |
8.11.2016 |
Seminar im Rahmen des 2. Reinraum-Nutzertreffens Microworks as IMT clean room users – who we are, what we do 100kV E-Beam with Z-Stage EBPG5200Z Image Interferences observed with the SEM |
25.10.2016 |
Antibody Fingerprints in Lyme Disease Patients deciphered with Peptide Arrays |
18.10.2016 |
kein Seminar |
11.10.2016 |
From Molecular Structure to Global Processes: NMR Spectroscopy in Environmental-Analytical Chemistry Microbead-Based Peptide Synthesis |
4.10.2016 |
kein Seminar |
27.9.2016 |
Design of a Regeneration-Based Elastocaloric Microcooling Device Microvalve based on Spiral Structured Shape Memory Alloy Foil |
13.9.2016 |
Multispectral wide field fluorescence microscope |
26.7.2016 |
Multifunctional Nanostructured Epoxy Systems |
19.7.2016 |
kein Seminar |
12.7.2016 | kein Seminar | |
5.7.2016 |
Smart personal environments based on micromachined nanophotonics Fluid Intake Monitoring |
29.6.2016 |
Sonderseminar am Mittwoch, 29.6.2016 um 10.00 Uhr Newest developments in C-MEMS and C-NEMS |
28.6.2016 |
MEMS test platform for in-situ characterization of nanostructured shape memory alloy |
21.6.2016 |
Optimization of on-chip capacitors for MACS inserts Opto-mechanical numerical analysis and optimization for precision optical instruments |
14.6.2016 |
kein Seminar |
7.6.2016 |
kein Seminar |
6.6.2016 |
Sonderseminar am Montag, 6.6.2016 um 14.00 Uhr NMR Present and Future: From Metal-Organic Frameworks to Hyperpolarized Diamond |
31.5.2016 |
Rolled Up Micro NMR Coil How do brain implants interact with the MR environment Root Cause Analysis of Zero-rate Output in a MEMS Gyroscope |
24.5.2016 |
IMINA Technologies - Firmen-Vorstellung Photovoltaic powered membrane filtration system for brackish water desalination |
17.5.2016 |
Enlarging the field of view of X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging for clinical applications |
10.5.2016 |
kein Seminar |
3.5.2016 |
Metrology Contributions 2015 |
26.4.2016 |
Studying the Effects of Degradation in Organic Solar Cell Materials using Transient Absorption Spectroscopy |
19.4.2016 |
In-vitro biosensing: spectroscopy, imaging, sensing |
12.4.2016 |
Oil/water separation with hierarchically structured biological surfaces and biomimetic nanofur |
5.4.2016 |
Development of a compound refractive X-ray zoom lens X-ray Beam Shaping |
30.3.2016 |
Sonderseminar am Mittwoch, 30.3.2016 um 11.00 Uhr Recent activities in grating-based X-ray phase imaging |
29.3.2016 |
Development and Characterization of Rolled X-ray Mirror Optics |
22.3.2016 |
X-ray gratings with sub-micrometer dimension for high resolution phase contrast and dark field imaging |
8.3.2016 |
Graphene based Nano and Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (N/MEMS) Devices Vorstellung von technologischen Möglichkeiten |
1.3.2016 |
Interaktion von Immunzellen mit Krebszellen innerhalb einer auf Cryogelen basierenden 3D-Zellkultur |
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2.2.2016 |
Seminar im Rahmen des Reinraum-Nutzertreffens Mechanical properties of micro-truss structures fabricated by 3D laser lithography E-Beam EBPG5200: Features and results of customer acceptance test at December 1st, 2015 Micro-integrated Gradient Systems for Magnetic Resonance Microscopy |
28.1.2016 |
Sonderseminar am Donnerstag, 28.1.2016 um 15.00 Uhr Optimierung der dielektrischen Detektion von Partikeln in einem kapillaren Strömungskanal |
26.1.2016 |
Bioinspired hairy surfaces with enhanced optical and fluidic properties. Bio-inspired adhesives based on the controlled growth of Y-shaped carbon nanotubes |