M.Sc. Jing Yang
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute of Microstructure Technology
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe
phone: +49 721 608-29311
e-mail: jing.yang∂kit.edu
Chemistry and related fields
NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) are analytical tools routinely used in many fields of science and technology today. Applications range from structure or material characterization in chemistry and material science to clinical diagnosis.
To shorten measurement times and increase resolution, NMR and MRI crave for higher sensitivity. High levels of polarization can be generated by hyperpolarization methods, and enhance NMR signals over 1000 fold.
This project focuses of SABRE hyperpolarization (SABRE: Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange). In SABRE, polarization is generated by transferring spin order from parahydrogen, the singlet spin isomer of hydrogen that can easily be obtained at low temperatures to target molecules. We develop new catalytic systems (mostly metalorganic ones) for efficient SABRE hyperpolarization transfer.
The main focus within the team would initially center around the performance of the new catalysts under different experimental conditions (such as optimum temperature, solvent, pressure magnetic field during transfer). Therefore, experience in NMR and working under inert gas conditions is beneficial. The position is intended for a student research assistant (HiWi, Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft). It is possible to extend the project into a master thesis project degree in chemistry, chemical physics, and material science or with similar background. The concrete position and tasks are subject to discussion with interested candidates. Selected candidates can start working as soon as they are hired.
click here for more information and online apply:
• Previous experience in metal-organic chemistry is beneficial
• Basic knowledge in NMR spectroscopy
• Team spirit, capability of independent self-motivated work
• Good English and communication skills are a prerequisite
contract's duration: 3-6 Months Entry date: on appointment
M.Sc. Jing Yang
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute of Microstructure Technology
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe
phone: +49 721 608-29311
e-mail: jing.yang∂kit.edu