Prof. Dr. Dr. sc. techn. ETH Jan Gerrit Korvink KIT

Prof. Dr. Dr. sc. techn. ETH Jan Gerrit Korvink

Jan Korvink got his MSc in computational mechanics at the CERECAM Instute of the University of Cape Town in South Africa. His thesis supervisor was Professor John Brand Martin, and he was also fortunate to have Professors Daya Reddy and Georges Ellis teach him Functional Analysis and Cosmology. He then went on to complete a PhD in Finite Element Analysis at the ETH Zurich under Prof Edoardo Anderheggen, followed by a postdoctoral position at the Institute of Quantum Electronics under Professor Henry Baltes. During this time he was involved in the TCAD startup Intergrated Systems Engineering, which was sold to Synopsys in 2004.

He then moved to a chair position at the University of Freiburg in Germany, where, together with Professors Wolfgang Menz and Gerald Urban, they established the Institute of Microsystems Technology – IMTEK, a MEMS institute which eventually grew to a size of 22 chairs. During his time at Freiburg, he co-directed the Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies – FRIAS, and lead the School of Soft Matter together with the physicist Professor Hermann Grabert. During this time he was awarded a prestigeous ERC Advanced Grant for NMR of the nematode C. elegans. He also won a Red Dot Design Award for an MRI detector.

In 2015 he moved to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, to direct the Institute of Microstructure Technology, the original birthplace of MEMS in Germany. During this time he started up Voxalytic GmbH, together with Professor Ulrike Wallrabe and Dr Joerg Funk. The company develops bespoke NMR systems. Till the end of 2020, he was a co-spokesperson, together with Professor Horst Hahn, of the Helmholtz research programme Science and Technology of Nanosystems – STN. In the subsequent Helmholtz programme, he heads the topic Materials Information Discovery, a programme that is driving the digitization of materials characterisation.

In 2020, he was awarded a prestigious ERC Synergy Grant, together with his colleagues Professor Geoffrey Bodenhausen at the ENS in Paris, Professor Arno Kentgens at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, and Dr Benno Meier of KIT. Jan Korvink has a lively and highly international research group of about 25 persons that focuses on the miniaturization of bespoke NMR systems for small samples and biological specimens. His other interests are added manufacturing, computation, and correlative instruments that combine other methods such as optical imaging or atomic force microscopy with NMR. To date, he and his group have published more than 220 journal papers on their research.

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