Design and development of MRI probe head

  • Type:Masterthesis or Practice
  • Supervisor:

    Dr. Mazin Jouda

  • Field of Study:

    Electrical and/or Sensor and/or Mechanical engineering, MEMS

Job's Description:

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a technique used to investigate and characterize the chemical composition of a sample. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a widely known technique that is extensively used in hospitals for clinical investigations in humans. MRI and NMR share the same physical principles and challenges.

The IMT offers an MRI Probe head design workshop to provide hands-on experience in building an MRI probe from scratch, including mechanical design, high-frequency electrical circuitry, and testing on a commercial MRI scanner. The aim of this master thesis project is to design and fabricate different MRI probe head structures for teaching various mechanical, electrical, and magnetic resonance concepts. The candidate will be a part of the NMR group, and will have access to the microfabrication facilities and micro-characterization equipment available at the Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT).

The specific engineering tasks for this project are:

  • 3D design of different probe head structures
  • Simulation of different RF coil designs
  • Fabricating different probe heads
  • Testing and comparing the results

The candidate will have to simulate, design, and fabricate various MRI probe head structures for teaching different mechanical, electrical, and magnetic resonance concepts. They will have to use their knowledge of CAD design and basic electronics to carry out their work. The candidate will also be responsible for testing and comparing the results obtained from the different probe heads.

This master thesis project offers the opportunity to work on a challenging and novel topic and to co-author conference and/or journal publications. The successful candidate will be an independent thinker and a team player, and they will work in a supportive environment where they can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of MRI probe head design.

Contract's duration: 6-9 Months,

Entry date: by appointment

click here for more information and online apply


Fachliche/r Ansprechpartner/in

Dr. Mazin Jouda
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik
Postfach 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Telefon: +49 721 608-22746
E-Mail: mazin jouda∂kit edu