PhD Position: Wireless operation of CMOS circuits installed on high speed miniaturized rotary turbo-machinery
- Type:PhD Position
- Supervisor:
Job description
Rotary machines are commonly used in the macro-world for a wide variety of applications and include different types of turbines, fans or propellers, with dimensions and rotation speeds spanning several orders of magnitude: from the stomatologist’s turbine or various drilling machines, to computer cooling fans or jet propellers and wind mills. In many situations, different operating or environmental parameters need to be monitored using control devices that must be mounted on the rotating parts, but with the possibility to control and interrogate them from the outside.
The specific engineering task of the PhD candidate selected for the present project consists in mounting a CMOS circuit on a miniaturized rotary turbo-machine spinning at ultra-high speeds. This involves addressing the following tasks: (1) electrical engineering tasks: the CMOS device must be powered and controlled in a wireless manner; (2) mechanical engineering tasks: the CMOS device must withstand and operate under the significant centrifugal forces arising upon fast spinning.
In the framework of this project, you will have access to advanced simulation tools, as well as state of the art manufacturing equipment. You will be using the ultra-high resolution 3D lithography Nanoscribe machine and the 3D ceramic printer for the fabrication of custom-made rotary turbo-machinery and subsequent integration with the CMOS circuits. During the PhD project thesis, you will get hands-on experience on microsystems design, cleanroom fabrication, micro-structural characterization, having the opportunity to get exposure to a wide range of instruments and techniques.
This project is offering a complete experience from the modelling, design and fabrication, to characterization and testing, with the opportunity to report the results in high-impact scientific journals.
Starting date
as soon as possible
Personal qualification
- University degree (MSc) in electrical engineering, physics, micro-systems engineering, or mechanical engineering with an above average grade
- Basic physics and engineering knowledge, ideally in electronics and CMOS design
- Experience in micro fabrication methods, analytical skills to solve physical and technical issues
- Good English and preferably German communication skills
Contract duration
limited to 3 years
Application up to
March 31, 2022
Contact person in line-management
For further information, please contact Dr. Vlad Badilita, e-mail: vlad badilita ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
click here for more information and online application
Ausschreibungsnummer: 01-2022-IMT
Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.
Personnel Support is provided by:
Personalservice (PSE) - Human Resources
Ms Gätcke
Phone: +49 721 608-25010,
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany