4th International Workshop on Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy Techniques 2013




4th International Workshop on


Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy Techniques

March 4-5, 2013

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Campus North)

Hendrik Hölscher (Institute of Microstructure Technology, KIT)
Thomas Schimmel (Institute of Nanotechnology, KIT)

Invited Speakers:
Daniel Ebeling (University of Maryland)
Andreas Günther (University of Tübingen)
Shigeki Kawai (University of Basel)
Angelika Kühnle (University of Mainz)
Jacob Sagiv (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Tilman Schäffer (University of Tübingen)



The final program can be found here.





The best poster award was sponsored by SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH. From left to right: Daniel Ebeling (Chairman of the Award Committee), Steffen Prein (SPECS), Takumi Hiasa (3rd prize), Markus Kittelmann (2nd prize), Robert Lindner (1st prize), Hendrik Hölscher and Thomas Schimmel (Conference Chairmen)

For further information please contact:
Hendrik Hölscher, Institute of Microstructure Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,
hendrik hoelscher does-not-exist.kit edu, phone: +49 721 608-22779, FAX: +49 721 608-24331