Finished PhD Thesis (since 2014)
- Fabian Falk (Biologist): Biologische Assays in ultrahochdichten Peptidarrays (PhD Thesis, expected for end of 2021)
Topic: Array-based screening assays; readout of the antibody-based immune system - Andreas Klinkusch (Chemical Biologist): Miniaturisierte Synthese von kombinatorischen Fluorophor-Arrays via nano3D-Laserprinting (PhD Thesis, expected for end of 2021)
Topic: complex chemical synthesis in the array format using the nano3D printer - Zekun Zhou (Chemist): Stochastisches Mikroarray: Partikelunterstützte Peptidsynthese (PhD Thesis, expected for end of 2021)
Topic: Synthesis of peptide arrays with the one-cavity-one-peptide method - Andrea Palermo (born. Fischer; Bioengineer): Development of immuno assays for the investigation of peptide antibody interactions in array format. (PhD Thesis, 2020) doi:10.5445/IR/1000105997
Topic: readout of the antibody-based immune system with peptide arrays - Clemens von Bojničić-Kninski (Engineer): Entwicklung von optischen Systemen für die kombinatorische Materialablagerung und die großflächige Detektion im Rahmen von Hochdurchsatzverfahren. (PhD Thesis, 2018) doi:10.5445/IR/1000081334
Topic: Development of a method to synthesize high-density peptide arrays - Roman Popov (Chemical Engineer): Process Development for Manufacturing Stochastic Peptide Microarrays. (PhD Thesis, 2018) doi:10.5445/IR/1000081335
Topic: Synthesis of peptide arrays with the one-cavity-one-peptide method with dry particles - Daniela Mattes (Chemist): Synthese von Peptiden, Peptoiden und Protein-ähnlichen Strukturen im µ Arrayformat. (PhD Thesis, 2018) doi:10.5445/IR/1000084265
Topic: using the nano3D printer to do extremely miniaturized chemical synthesis in the array format - Laura Weber (Bioengineer): Deciphering antibody fingerprints with high density peptide arrays: from methodological development toward disease etiology. (PhD Thesis, 2017) doi:10.5445/IR/1000076324
Topic: readout of the antibody-based immune system without any pre-information. - Tobias Förtsch (Physicist): Kombinatorischer laserinduzierter Vorwärtstransfer zur Herstellung von biomolekularen Mikroarrays. (PhD Thesis, 2017) doi:10.5445/IR/1000074023
Topic: advancing the nano3D printer - Valentina Bykovskaya (Physicist): Microstructure-Assisted Particle Pattern Generation for High Density Peptide Arrays. (PhD Thesis, 2016) doi:10.5445/IR/1000054492
Topic: Development of a method to synthesize high-density peptide arrays - Martin Schlageter (Chemist): Click chemistry modification of surface-bound peptides towards applications in printable electronics. (PhD Thesis, 2015) doi:10.5445/IR/1000051881
Topic: Development of a method to synthesize high-density peptide arrays - Frieder Märkle (Physicist): Laserbasierte Verfahren zur Herstellung hochdichter Peptidarrays. (PhD Thesis, 2014) doi:10.5445/KSP/1000041118
Topic: advancing the nano3D printer - Bastian Münster (Chemist): Entwicklung von Mikropartikeln für die kombinatorische Synthese hochdichter Peptidarrays durch laserbasierte Verfahren. (PhD Thesis, 2014) doi:10.5445/IR/1000044271
Topic: Development of a particle-based method to synthesize high-density peptide arrays - Sebastian Schillo (Engineer): Prozessentwicklung für die Automatisierung der Herstellung und Anwendung von hochdichten Peptidmicroarrays. PhD dissertation. (PhD Thesis, 2014) doi:10.5445/KSP/1000043424
Topic: Development of a particle-based method to synthesize high-density peptide arrays - Jakob Striffler (Chemist): Replikation von µ-Peptidarrays. (PhD Thesis, 2014) doi:10.5445/IR/1000041690
Topic: replication of high-density peptide arrays
M.Sc. Peter Gödtel
Dr. Tobias Förtsch (Bosch)
Dr. Andrea Palermo (Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH)
Dr. Valentina Bykovskaya (Novo Nordisk)
Dr. Frieder Märkle (Agilent Technologies; now ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology)
Dr. Sebastian Schillo (BASF)
Dr. Bastian Münster (Carbogen Amcis AG)
Prof. Alexander Nesterov-Müller (now independent group leader at the IMT)
Dr. Clemens von Bojnicic-Kninski (Axxelera)
Dr. Roman Popov (ETH Zurich)
Dr. Girish Karadka Shankara
Dr. Jakob Striffler (Roche)
Dr. Barbara Ridder (KFT Chemieservice)
Dr. Martin Schlageter (Agilent Technologies)
Dr. Anitha Golla
Dr. Fanny-Caroline Liu (Florida State University)
Prof. Dr. Kai Hilpert (St George’s University, London)
Prof. Dr. Yun-Chien Cheng (National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Dr. Felix Löffler (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces)