EU Project PEPDIODE (expired)
In this EU-project, 6 partners from 4 different countries worked together on peptide-based diode screening, enabling the evolutionary development of novel solar-cells.
At a Glance
FP7 reference: 256672
Duration: 08/2011 - 08/2015
Total Cost: 3.6 M€
EU Contribution: 2.75 M€
KIT (coordinator), Univ. Aix-Marseille (France), Brooklyn College (New York), MIGAL (Israel), IMS chips (Stuttgart), SME PEPperPRINT (Heidelberg)
As one of the highlights in this project, we advanced the multi-material nano3D printer. (more) During the project we developed a screening chip to readout electrical signals in the array format. Lessons learned will be used in our active NANOSTACKS proposal. (more)